研究業績 |
- Y. Kurita and H. Nakano, Physical Review D93, 023508 (2016). “Gravitational waves from dark matter collapse in a star”
- Y. Kurita and M. Siino, Physical Review D89, 024018 (2014). “Teichmuller parameters of multiple BTZ black hole spacetime”
- K. Yoshino, Y. Kurita, A. Zukeran, T. Misu, Y. Iida, N. Kanai, K. Koh, Advaced Materials Research Vol.590, pp.503-507 (2012). “Development of study aids and project activity procedures for STEM education”
- Y. Kurita and K. Nakao, Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol.128, pp191?211 (2012). “Dynamical instability in a relativistic cylindrical shell composed of counter rotating particles”
- Y. Kurita, M. Kobayashi, M. Tsubota and H. Ishihara, Physical Review A 82, 053602 (2010). “Particle creation in Bose-Einstein condensates : Theoretical formulation based on conserving gapless mean field theory”
- K. Nakao, T. Harada, Y. Kurita and Y. Morisawa, Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol.122, pp.521?541 (2009). “Relativistic Gravitational Collapse of a Cylindrical Shell of Dust. II ?Settling Down Boundary Condition?”
- Y. Kurita, M. Kobayashi, T. Morinari, M. Tsubota and H. Ishihara, Physical Review A79, 043616 (2009). “Spacetime analog of Bose-Einstein condensates: Bogoliubov-de Gennes formulation”
- M. Kobayashi, Y. Kurita, T. Morinari, M. Tsubota, and H. Ishihara
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 150, 032044 (2009). “Particle Creation in Bose-Einstein Condensates: Numerical Analysis of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes Equation for Trappied Ultracold Atoms”
- Y. Kurita and H. Ishihara, Classical and Quantum Gravity Vol.25, 085006 (2008). “Thermodynamics of squashed Kaluza-Klein black holes and black strings: a comparison of reference backgrounds”
- K. Nakao, D. Ida and Y. Kurita, Physical Review D77, 044021 (2008). “New instability in relativistic cylindrically symmetric system”
- Y. Kurita and T. Morinari, Physical Review A76, 053603 (2007). “Formation of a sonic horizon in isotropically expanding Bose-Einstein condensates”
- Y. Kurita and H. Ishihara, Classical and Quantum Gravity, Vol.24, pp.4525?4531 (2007). “Mass and free energy in the thermodynamics of squashed Kaluza-Klein black holes”
- K. Nakao, Y. Kurita, Y. Morisawa and T. Harada, Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol.117, pp.75?102, (2007). “Relativistic Gravitational Collapse of Cylindrical Shell of Dust”
- Y. Kurita, K. Nakao, Physical Review D73, 064022 (2006). “Naked singularity resolution in cylindrical collapse”
- H. Nakano, Y. Kurita, K. Ogawa, and C.-M. Yoo, Physical Review D71, 084006 (2005). “Quasinormal ringing for acoustic black holes at low temperature”
- H. Kudoh, Y. Kurita, Physical Review D70, 084029 (2004). “Thermodynamics of four-dimensional black objects in the warped compactification”
- Y. Kurita, M. Sakagami, Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol.113, 1193-1213 (2005). “CFT description of three-dimensional Hawking-Page transition”
- Y. Kurita, M. Sakagami, Physical Review D67, 024003 (2003). “Quasi-normal modes of D3-brane Black Holes”
- 栗田泰生、小林未知数、森成隆夫、坪田誠、石原秀樹、日本物理学会誌第65巻、pp.187?190, (2010). “ボース・アインシュタイン凝縮体における粒子生成―曲った時空とのアナロジー―”
- 文部科学省 科学技術研究費「若手研究(B)」 平成21年度?平成22年度 研究代表者 “ボース・アインシュタイン凝縮体を用いた時空アナロジーの研究”